It's been a couple months since I lasted posted but as you can imagine, having a baby takes up 110% of your time. She spent the night at my parents' house last night: our first night away from her and when she left, I was super sad. It was nice though, being able to go to dinner with Jason and getting to sleep in. And yesterday was Brianne's 4 month birthday! I can't believe how quickly the time passes! She is getting so big too and has developed a personality and is just the most amazing little person. She's about 13 lbs now and is able to roll from her back to her side and can sit up alone for a short time and has found her hands and her thumb! Oh she loves her thumb! We have been on several outtings, once we even took her to the Newport Aquarium and she loved being carried around in her little baby back pack so she could see everything (see pic to the right). She's smiling and laughing at us now and sleeping like a champ! I actually have to wake her up in the mornings! One night last week she slept for 9 hours straight and when I woke up I was panicked that something was wrong.
We had a scare a couple weeks ago though. Her reflux has been a nightmare of epic proportions! There were 3 or 4 instances when she would start to spit up in her sleep and her airway would close and she would stop breathing and turn blue! One morning she did it while we were getting for work and I was in the bathroom and heard her gasping for air in the other room. I ran to her and picked her up and patted her on the back and she took a breath. I of course freaked so I decided to stay home from work. We took Jason to the bus stop and when I got home I was going to call the doctor when they opened and take her in. Well she did it again! This time she turned blue and it took me a few minutes to rouse her and after I did, she seemed very lethargic and lifeless so I called 911. Two cops, an ambulance and fire truck show up in our lot and the first one in the house was a police officer. He took Bri and ran her out to the life squad. As soon as the EMT took her she came too and was wide awake. They checked her and everything seemed fine but they suggested taking her to Children's Hospital just to be sure. So we rode in the ambulance to the hospital and I called Jason, who took a cab from work and met us in the ER.
They couldn't find anything wrong with her, thank god! But wanted to keep her overnight for observation. They decided to do a chest x-ray and found that her heart looked "big" so they did an EKG and said the "peaks" on her heart graph seemed too long... So they wanted to do an ECG but in order to do that they had to sedate her so she would remain still during the procedure. Keep in mind that at this point it's about 2:00 PM and she hadn't eaten anything since 5:00 AM (they wouldn't let us feed her before the procedures...) So after the ECG they said everything looked fine but that we "might" want to follow up with a cardiolist in 6 months to a year. What does that mean? We might want too? Uh, does that mean we should or that we need too?? Anyway, mom came and spent the night with me and Bri in the hospital and all things being normal, it was absolutely adorable to see her in her little hospital gown. Yes they make them that small (and they even tie in the back).

And her little hospital bed/crib was too cute too. Since there was only one pull out couch and I was still severely scared, we took turns sleeping that night so needless to say, we hardly slept.

Two weeks later and we've had no more "episodes" and everything appears to be going good. She had her pics taken professionally at 3 months old and I have posted a few below. Basically we are loving life with our little one and the stress factor has subsided signifcantly since we are getting sleep now. I will try to post more often in the future but whether or not I do is up to Brianne.

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