So, it's been nearly a year since my last post because, well, being a working mom keeps me pretty busy. But, it's a busy that I enjoy, mostly. I don't really know where to begin at this point... There's the typical stuff; milestones, height/weight charts and percentiles, feedings and new foods, but I feel like that isn't really the best way to portray Brianne as she is now or sum up life with a toddler. But for those reading who are interested, she is walking and talking and is an expert at throwing temper tantrums. She is 15 months old and at her well baby check up last week she was 25lbs and 32 3/4 inches tall (99th percentile, for a full term baby!!) and as of her 15 month birthday, officially off bottles!!!
We've come to a consensus that her first official word was mum but following that was guck

(yuck), dada, dog, cat, look, book, and juice. Her vocabulary is too vast to list but she graces us with a new word or two daily (yesterday was Boo!). She loves love loves to play outside and has discovered an affinity for running through the grass. Just a matter of a few weeks ago she was frightened of grass, just check out her 15 month pictures! But now, after work, it has become tradition to go outside and play while mommy makes dinner. She loves birds and flowers and the baby swing and the pool. She is most certainly a water baby like both her parents were.
The begining of the month we took a mini vacation to Nolin Lake near Louisville with Jennifer, Andrew, Tara, Olivia and Wendy. We swam in the lake and had a red neck good time in the baby pool we set up on the dock and Jason and I took the jet ski out. All in all it was a fabulous time! I was exhausted though because the day we drove home I had to go straight to the airport for my flight to Toronto for work. Toronto was cool too but I'm getting ahead of myself. It was so much fun to see Brianne with her cousins Tara and Olivia and we have learned from those 3 days how difficult it would be to have a second child. I will let the pics tell the rest of the story...
I am pretty much just going to make this a picture post because, like they say, a 1000 words and all... But, Jason and I are both enjoying every minute of parenthood and are constantly amazed by our beautiful little girl. She keeps us laughing all the time and I would not trade lives with even the richest man alive. I love you Bri! And now, I leave you with some cuteness from Brianne's 15 month photo shoot with Tricia...

And now some from Brianne's first birthday party:
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