It's Thursday. Day number 4 of a 5 day work week. And as of today, the score stands at Brianne 3, Mommy 1. You see, every day this week, our morning routine has not been so, well, routine. Every day, Bri gains more independence and becomes more strong willed and stubborn (aka. like mommy) and we all know what happens when you try to put 2 positive ends of a battery together, there's friction!
But today, I think I won the batter of wills! Score 1 for mom! We went to the grocery store yesterday after work and got all kinds of fresh fruit, so I thought I would give her a treat for breakfast and put some blueberries and bananas in her oatmeal. She refused to take a bight. Our morning routine is usually I give her a sippy of milk to hold her over till she gets woke up and I have time to make her breakfast, then we have breakfast "picnic style" on the floor in the living room so we can watch tv. So this morning, she had drank her milk and we woke daddy up etc. and we're sitting in the floor but she just wants to run around and play with toys she hasn't touched in months. I tried to give her bights and she wasn't having it. So, I picked her up and put her in her highchair. Warning, meltdown imminent! She threw a little fit! Screaming, kicking, throwing spoons at me, arching her back temper tantrum!
I decided to ler her scream it out this morning. I left her in her highchair while I made myself some coffee and started to put my makeup on. Then she calmed down and was reaching for her spoon that she had thrown... ah, victory! Sort of... she only wanted to pick the fruit out of her oatmeal and not eat the oatmeal. Fine. Fruit is healthy. So I ended up giving her the rest of the banana and then she took too big a bight and proceeded to gag, choke and cough! I didn't panic (I am CPR/AED certified and work in the Safety industry) but calmly reached over and gave her a pat on the back and all was fine. Does that earn me another point?
My point is, she is me! A tiny little me with a mohawk-mullet and Jason's ears... I have a feeling that life is certainly going to be interesting when we hit the teenage years. God give me strength!
On a different topic, Baby Kate will be getting her bone marrow transplant on her 1st birthday, August 19th. Everyone please keep Kate and her family and her donor in their prayers!
As I am still behind on picture posts (didn't blog for like 6 months) I leave you with Brianne's pictures from her 10 month photo shoot.

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