Then at her appointment with the vascular surgeon, the doctors were all totally shocked to see how improved her hemangioma is. They said she does not need surgery and actually told us "good job" for taking such good care of it. We follow up with them in 3 months but they too do not forsee any further problems. Woohoo!
And to top it all off, we qualified for a state program called BCMH which is for parents of children with medical handicaps (or potential medical handicaps). We are now part of their treatment plan which will pay all of our out-of-pocket expenses for the next 3 months (which means I didn't have to pay the two separate $50 copays yesterday) and anything our insurance won't pay they handle! It's about time we got some assistance!!
So now I must wake the sweet pea and get ready for work but I leave you with her 5 month sticky pic picture!

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