So I just got home from the hospital, again. Went to my OB appointment on Thursday, and she said that my cervix felt different, thinner, and more dilated. So of course she sent me back to the Labor and Delivery ward of the hospital. But this time, I had my Jason with me so I wasn't so scared (and I was smart and packed a bag just in case). Once in the L&D they got me on the monitor again and the baby sounded great but again they picked up some mild irregular contractions. The doctor sent me for an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid and my cervix length. Jason is still a little squemish around stirrups and what not, so he waited in the room. Well let me tell you, he missed out this time! I expressed concern over the excess amniotic fluid indicating fetal abnormalities such as a cleft lip or pallette (my husband was born with a cleft lip) so the tech did a 3D ultrasound! I got to see Bri's sweet little face and it seems so perfect to me! Everyone I have shown this to says she looks like Jason...

This made me feel so much better! Even though they said my cervix was still the same length but had thinned and dilated about a centimeter, I was not scared! Last week I was at my absolute lowest point ever. I cried all the time and felt sorry for myself being on bed rest and missing out on normal pregnancy stuff, and was so scared and frightened about something being wrong with my baby... This week, the doctor answered all my questions and all my fears were irrational and our little Brianne is healthy and beautful and her heartbeat sounds great, what more can I ask for? So they kept me for 2 nights in the hospital and I didn't cry once. I had an epiphany when I saw her face. I'm going to do whatever it takes to stay pregnant with her as long as possible and do my best to enjoy every second of this pregnancy! I'm going to catch up on my reading, and read out loud to her. I can watch all my favorite movies and tv shows and work on my pregnancy scrap book because after all, once she is born, I won't have time for myself so I should enjoy it now while I can.
So Thursday night my mom came and spent the night in the hospital with me which I am thankful for because I sent Jason home that night since he was sick still and needed to go home to take his anti-biotics. Friday was rough though. They decided to do the 3-hour glucose tolerance test since my sugar numbers were a little high last time. They woke me at 7:30 to take my fasting blood sugar reading and so I could start drinking the syrupy sweet stuff and since I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since before midnight (had to fast) it actually didn't taste too bad. My fasting blood sugar was 89, which was good. So the nurse said she'd be back at 9 to take my next reading. Well 9 came and went and around 9:15 she came in and attempted to get blood out of the back of my non-iv hand. She poked me like 10 times and oh my god it hurt so bad! She couldn't get any blood so she left, and another nurse came back at like 9:30 and finally was able to get some out of my hand (which is now all sore and bruised). So they came back at 10:30 and did it all over again, ouch! So at 11:00 my nurse came in and told me I cold go ahead and order my lunch tray because she would be back at 11:30 to do my final blood draw. I tried to order my tray but there was still a block on my order that said "no food by mouth". I waited and tried again at 11:30, same thing. I called my nurse and she said she would remove the block and come do my last reading. Finally, at noon, she showed up to do the blood draw and said she had forgotten to remove the block. Well my final reading was 54 and I was weak and about to pass out and shaking. So my mom left to get me some lunch and the nurse got me some peanut butter crackers and a grape juice. Finally! Some sugar! It took about 30 minutes to start feeling normal again, but my hand and inside of my elbow were sore and bruised! Well, I passed my test, no gestational diabetes for me!!!!!
Jason came up to stay with me last night, as soon as he got off work. My dad had come to pick up my mom and they were there when he got there. Jason and my dad both brought me Valentine's Day presents too! Dad got me this awesome figurine from Hallmark of an angel and a baby which symbolizes mother and daughter. I'm going to put it in the nursery. And Jason got me a teddy bear, balloons and some candy. I felt so loved! Well, the doctor's came in this morning and woke me up and said that they wanted to do another cervical check and if there was no change, I could go home. So my doctor poked me again and yay, no change! I was discharged and released! I am home now, on the couch, and couldn't be happier! I have my kitties, my own bed and all my movies and books. I have to go back to the doctor this week, of course, and she told me to pack a bag again, just in case, because I will be a frequent flyer of the L&D department for a few weeks. But my goal is to rest and with no stressing this week, hopefully nothing will change and I will get to come home after my appointment. And Wednesday marks another milestone, 30 weeks!
Our friend Jolie is coming over tonite and bringing Jason and I dinner so he doesn't have to cook. I haven't seen her in ages and can't wait. Even though I am a mess and haven't showered yet... But she will understand.
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