1.) Jason - everything my loving husband has done has been for me and has made me happy. The cooking and cleaning and grocery shopping and taking care of the kitties. The trips to and from the hospital, even in the snow, just to be with me. The constant strength he has shown through all of this. Being my shoulder to cry on when I have bad days and knowing just the right ways to cheer me up. The Super Mario Brothers game he bought me for the Wii to keep me busy in my boredom. The little things, like bringing me home chocolate milk and snacks I like without me asking for them. Buying me shampoo and conditioner when I was in the hospital complaining about horrible I looked. Cuddling with me every night and rubbing my belly. And of course, the wonderful Valentine's gift he brought me to the hospital. I honestly couldn't make it through any of this without him and I want him to know how important he is to me and how much more I love him each day.

2.) My mom - She has gone out of her way to visit me at home and in the hospital. She drove to Cincinnati to spend the night with me in the hospital when I was scared and alone. She kept me company on my dark days and brought me good tissues with lotion when I couldn't stop crying. She calls me daily to check on me and make sure I am okay and don't need anything. She has also helped me so much that without her I don't know if I could have gotten this far. And she got me a super cozy blanket and pillow to cuddle up with on the couch.
3.) My dad - He texts me everyday to make sure I am not getting to bored or am too lonely. He too has been to visit me and keep me company with mom both in the hospital and at home. He calls me all the time to make sure I am okay. And he too got me a wonderful Valentine's present that will go in the nursery room.

4.) My Brianne - Feeling her kick and punch and move in my belly is the best feeling there is, even though it does actually hurt some time. Knowing that she's there is the motivation and inspiration I need. In the hospital, they would put me on the monitor twice a day and hearing her heartbeat was the most comforting sound a mother could hear. I even recorded the sound on my cell phone so I can hear it anytime I need to be reassured.
5.) Samantha, my BFF - She visited me in the hospital and at home. She brought me a goodie bag in the hospital with magazines and a puzzle book, hand sanitizer, a nail file and a teddy bear to cuddle. When she visited me at home, she brought me a candy bar because she knew I hadn't been eating well and brought me a Teach Yourself to Knit kit. She's making cupcakes for my shower next weekend and since she was on bed rest after her surgery, she knew just the right things to say and do to make me feel better. Thanks Sam!

6.) Jolie - For coming to visit and have dinner with us. She checks on me daily also and even though she has her own problems right now, she always makes me feel important and loved.
7.) My kitties - Orion and Aurora seem to know when I'm sad or sick and they have been my little cuddle buddies through this. Just having them curled up at my feet makes me feel better. Here is Orion, aka Mr. Kitty, aka Fat Boy.

8.) Jennifer, My sis-in-law - She calls me all the time and emails me to check on me. She just had a baby and has been there for all my stupid questions and fears that I need help with.
9.) All my co-workers and friends not mentioned - Thanks for asking about me and the emails and prayers. I appreciate all of it!
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