Yesterday my BFF Sam and her fiance came over to visit and brought me some goodies! She knew that I had lost some weight so she brought me a candy bar to help fatten me up and some movies to watch. It was so nice to see her since it had been so long. She too is off work right now due to a surgery she had about 3 weeks ago so we have been kind of bed rest buddies for a while now. And since we work together, we've both been out of the loop for awhile and both are almost anxious to return to work just to get out of the house and back on a normal routine. She also brought me a learn to knit book and kit and some yarn so I have something else to help occupy my time now.
I go to my doctor Friday and once again have mixed feelings about going. I'm anxious to go just so I can get out of the house but I'm scared too. I'm afraid she is going to find that my cervix has effaced and dilated more and that I'm going to end up back in the hospital. I know I know, positive thinking right? I am trying to think positively and stay optimistic but it's hard to do when my last 2 appointments landed me in the hospital. But I guess if I have to be there again, at least I'll be in the best place for me and Bri if something happens. So in an effort to stay out of the hospital, I'm putting myself on strict bed rest for today and tommorrow. And I almost don't want to admit this, but I think I caught Jason's cold... I woke up with a sore throat this morning blah! As if I need something else to make me worry and feel bad. If it doesn't go away I guess I'll go to Urgent Care tonite when he gets home.
My poor Jason had a rough day at work yesterday and didn't get to leave until late and then had to go to the grocery store. He came home with tons of bags and had to make 3 trips in with them and it killed me to not be able to help at least put the groceries away. I sat at the dining room table and watched him put everything away though. He got me all kinds of goodies like chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk and soup and granola bars... He's too good to me. Then my poor babe cleaned the kitchen and made dinner and I hate having to sit by helplessly and watch but he says he doesn't mind taking care of me and Bri. I will make it all up to him once Bri is here.
So wish me good luck for Friday and keep your fingers crossed that I'll be coming home and nothing has changed. I'm trying to keep my spirits up today because at times I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to just deliver now and get it over with (I know that makes me sound awful but it's the fear and boredom talking and I don't really want that). I'm posting a pic of my little one and husband, for they are my inspiration to go on and stay strong...

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