They just came and did my final ultrasound which was a Biophysical Profile (not a fetal growth unfortunately cuz we all wanted to see how much she weighs now) but she passed with an 8 out of 8. Her little organs all look great and she had the hiccups so she passed her "breathing" test and movement test. They also did my last NST today and she did perfect on it too. She had 4 heart rate accelerations in half an hour so her heart seems to be in perfect condition! She would not be still though and we had to keep moving the monitor pads. It was like she was trying to kick them off my belly!
Last night Jason came by after work and he said he couldn't wait till Wednesday to give me my gift so he gave it to me last night. It's the best! See, about a year ago he bought me a Pandora bracelet and I decided that since the charms aren't exactly cheap, that I would only buy charms to commemorate special occasions. So after Jason proposed to me he bought me the "true love" charm, for my wedding gift he bought me the wedding cake charm and a clip with a blue rhinestone to be my something blue, when we found I was pregnant he bought me the baby carriage charm, when we found out it was a girl he bought me a pink charm, and to commemorate her birth he bought me the "little girl" charm (pictured below) and I couldn't love it more! He is absolutely the best hubby ever and I don't know what I ever did to deserve him!

So since we know that I won't be able to eat anything tomorrow we ordered a large pizza from LaRosa's for dinner so I could keep the leftovers in my room today. Now I can munch on cold pizza all day! But I guess them starving me tomorrow will be a good head start on my post-baby diet. And I must add that I'm in much better spirits today than I was yesterday. Although I'm still super emotional and cried this morning when I was listening to her heartbeat but it was a happy cry this time. I have several things to take care of today too and keeping busy keeps me happy. And I just keep telling myself that in 24 hours I could have my little one in my arms! So this may be my last full day being pregnant with Bri and it does make me a little sad. I feel like right now she is my constant companion and I'm never truly alone. I will miss that but it'll be worth it when I see her face for the first time.
I can't wait! Keep me updated tomorrow! Love you both!