So today is Brianne’s 18 month well baby doctor appointment and vaccines… assuming I make it to the doctor’s office on time, and that I go to the right office. I can’t wait to find out how much she weighs and how tall she is now. I have been marking her height on her growth chart at home after every doctor’s appointment because right now she is too young to understand “stand still while I measure you”. I really hope the shots are easy for her and she doesn’t cry too much. She cried last time and it was very intense crying but it only lasted a few minutes (basically once the nurse left the room, she stopped crying). We’ve been lucky so far too in that she doesn’t seem to have much of a reaction to the shots, ie. No high fevers, rashes, side effects etc. so I hope to continue that luck, but if not I planned the appointment at a good time because my parents watch her tomorrow and then she will be home with us Saturday and Sunday.
Couple of cute things I wanted to share: when we dropped her off at daycare the other day she was again the “popular kid” because of her outfit. She was wearing a Sesame Street t-shirt and it had Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar etc. on it. Well as soon as we walked in her little BFF as we like to call her came over to her and was pointing to her shirt, pointing as in touching her shirt. She was very excited saying “big bird!” then all the other kids came running over and had surrounded Bri and were all pointing to her shirt (one boy was shouting elmo and another girl was shouting sesame etc.). Well we of course thought it was hilarious but Bri looked a little frightened. We’re pretty sure Bri was thinking “please mom, never make me wear this shirt again”.
We’ve had a good week though as far as the separation anxiety goes, well, at daycare anyway. Every morning we have taken her to daycare she has willingly ran to her teacher when we put her down. However at home, it has been a different story. At home she has been very clingy to me, to the point that I can’t go to the bathroom or upstairs without her and if I try to she throws a fit. I am under the impression that she may have some more molars coming in though because she has been sucking on her hand a lot lately and tugging on her ears and whenever she doesn’t feel good she becomes mommy’s girl. I will of course be mentioning this to the doc today though so she can check her ears (which she always does anyway).
And while we’re on the daycare subject, she made us some pretty artwork this week, and yesterday when we went to pick her up, she was sitting on the floor with all the other kids playing “kitchen” and she had some plastic food and a little plastic frying pan in her hands and rather than just dropping them and coming to us, she stood up, ran to the toy box and put the toys in it, then ran over to us. I said “wow, she made sure to put her toys away first, that’s great Bri” and we clapped for her. Then her teacher told us that she is always really good about putting her toys away for them. I was so proud of her!
On the sleep front we have been doing well too in that she has been sleeping longer in her crib at night. Several nights this week she slept the entire night in her crib, and over the weekend I even let her take her first nap in her crib, in our bedroom, with the door closed, out of my sight, with the baby monitor turned on though. She slept really well during that nap too so I am going to continue to do naps in the crib from now on so that I can hopefully transition her crib from our room to her own room by her second birthday. Baby steps, that’s what I have to do. I did set this goal before though. I told Jason that we would move her to her own room after her 1st birthday, then I told him I wasn’t ready but that we would move her by the time she was 18 months. Well she will be 19 months old in 4 days and she is still in our room… I can’t help it. I know she will sleep fine in her room (probably better) but I know that I won’t. At least not at first I won’t. But, she can’t sleep in our room forever so I will have to start taking those baby steps I guess…
And now, as promised, here are a few pictures from our trip to the zoo.
When we first got to the zoo, Bri had just woken up (that's why she doesn't look so happy)
Me, my mom, Bri as Minnie Mouse and my dad
Brianne looking in at some baby wallabies and a baby ant eater
Bri, me, Jennifer, Olivia and Tara

Brianne's first carousel ride
And at the end of the day, we had two exhausted little girls

Brianne's first carousel ride
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