Saturday we went to the zoo with my sister in law, 2 neices, mother in law, and my parents. The girls (well Bri and Tara) wore their Halloween costumes until it got too hot and then they changed into cooler clothes, but they were so cute while they were dressed up. They did a few of the trick or treat stations that were set up throughout the zoo but then we gave up on them and focused more on the animals. They also rode the carousel and loved it! Bri loved it so much she didn't want to get off and through a fit because we wouldn't let her get back on. But she loved the animals: the gorillas, monkeys, lions, polar bears, penguins, sea lions, big cats, wallabies, lemurs, the bald eagle, the ducks and swans, and the sheep and goats in the petting zoo. The petting zoo may have been her favorite and if I can get the video off the camera I will post it because it was too cute. She was so excited that some lady looking into the petting zoo area was cracking up at her. She was screaming in delight and shouting "Baaaaah!" at the goats. She and Tara had a blast playing with each other too. I have a ton of pics from the zoo but I will have to post them later (long story).
Saturday night Jennifer, Susan, Tara and Olivia all came back to our house and spent the night. The girls were up till well after 10pm, even after our long long day. They had a blast chasing each other around the house and playing peek a boo and jumping on the air matress we blew up (I think they thought it was a trampoline). We finally had to just separate them and take them to bed where it took Bri all of 5 minutes to pass out. We were all so tired though that she fell asleep in our bed and I did too so I didn't move her to the crib. Well at around 2am we were woken to a loud "thud" followed by loud crying... yep, Bri rolled off the bed, the foot of the bed! I'm not a sound sleeper and usually wake up if she so much as breaths too loud so I'm shocked I didn't hear her. But she somehow wiggled her way to the foot of the bed (she was between us). Then I was all worried that she may have injured herself internally or got a concussion so I wasn't able to go back to sleep. And even after all that, staying up late, hard day at the zoo, rolling off the bed, Bri was still up before 7am. With people sleeping all over the house I didn't know what to do because I didn't want to wake anyone so I crept downstairs and got her some milk and a diaper and tried to just quietly watch cartoons in bed. But that didn't happen...
We ended up waking Jason's mom who was on the couch. Bri enjoyed her waking up though and while I was making coffee I left her on the floor with her books and animal flash cards and when I went back to the living room she was showing her grandma all her animal cards. It was really cute since they don't see each other very often. Then we were all up and we made a big breakfast and then headed off to the park to try and do photo shoots of the girls with our DSLRs (Jenn has the same Nikon D3100 as us, but she also has a 55mm-2mm lens that we got to play with). Jason ended up taking well over 500 pics. It was a great day and the girls had more fun at the park then they did at the zoo I think. We went down slides and swung, and petted dogs and fed the fishes and ducks. Here are some of our very professional looking pics.
Brianne petting a big white dog

First we went down the scary tube slide together...Then Brianne went down by herself
This is just about as good as it gets when photographing 3 kids
Bri walking through a bike rack
Love this one for some reason
Look how pretty the leaves are Notice the single tear in her eye here...
Baby Olivia, eat a leaf
Another fave, but can you see how dirty her face is here?

Another fave, but can you see how dirty her face is here?

A little sleepy here, and grumpy (no I'm not just naming dwarves either)

Playing peek-a-boo with Tara

Waiting for Daddy to come down the slide

LOVE this one! My artistic hubby noticed the reflection and captured it so nice!

And there are only about 500 more pics I could post but I will try and show some restraint and stop here. I can't promise that I won't post more of these awesome pics later though.
And then yesterday Bri and I went shopping at the mall and Target. While we were at the mall we hit the little play place and Bri had a blast, as usual. I took a couple crappy cell phone pics while she was playing too but I honestly don't want to upload them now cuz they will look even crappier in comparison to the above pics. But I also got a dress to wear to the bachelorette party that is in 2 weeks yay!
I totally got busy and forgot to do my Monday DIY post yesterday but it was a holiday and we were off and just busy hanging with The Pea. So next Monday I will have a double post (one will be on How to Photograph Your Baby). And I may post some zoo pics later, but if not, I will post them tomorrow (along with some video, hopefully).
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