That would be me making a toilet paper wedding dress on one of my bosses, Karen.
Here is Brianne trying to help me with the toilet paper dress.
And are the 2 flower girls, Bri and Olivia, playing in the aftermath of the TP dresses.
Here is Brianne helping with the clean up
Brianne all pooped out from a day of partying and no nap.
Sunday we went shopping and I got Brianne's Halloween costume. It came down to Minnie Mouse or Tinker Bell (they didn't have her size in the sailor girl or the Little Red Riding Hood one) and so I held them up and had her pick one. She of course picked the Minnie Mouse one since she is obsessed with all things Mickey now. Here is a picture of it

Then we went down the aisle with all the pumpkin baskets and candy collecting devices on it and I showed her an adorable plush Hello Kitty candy basket but she wanted nothing to do with it. She was eyeballing this hot pink pumpkin pail, which worked out okay for mommy because the one I picked was $8 and the one she picked was only $1. I guess I have a frugal daughter.
I spent way too much money on fall clothes for her at Target too but she needs them so I am trying not to feel too guilty over it... And the rest of Sunday was very laid back and chill. We all seem to be finally over our colds and feeling better so we just played and colored and watched Barney. And it was a pleasant surprise, both today and yesterday, when we dropped Bri off at daycare and she did not cry! She just willingly went to her teacher and looked back at us (with a sad little look though) to say bye. It was super cute yesterday when we picked her up too. We walked in and she was sitting at the big girl table in her little chair drinking from a cup! A real cup! They had just had a snack which consisted of one oreo and a cup of water. She had oreo crumbs everywhere, on her eyelids, in her hair, around her mouth and little black chocolatey teeth too.
We have another big weekend coming with our trip to the zoo on Saturday and possibly our trip to the pumpkin patch Sunday. And I need to clean before the family comes over on Saturday, but where will I find the time to do that? And then on Monday I am going to make 2 sample cakes for Sam so she can choose which one she wants for her wedding cake. Phew! I'm exhausted just typing all that!
And I will close with a random cute pic of Bri being a wild child.
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