Saturday Brianne turned 18 months old which is mind boggling to me!
So, here are some stats on the ever growing Sweet Pea! (I was feeling rhyme-y today)
Weight: ~31 lbs (will find out on the 7th at her well baby visit)
Height: 32 in (this is also a guess)
Clothing size: 24 months - 2T (check out her new dress below, it's so cute!)
Shoe size: 6
Favorite food: Grapes, Club crackers and cheddar puff corn
Milestones: Climbs steps by herself now (she holds the banister though). Plays Ring Around the Rosies, knows all the gestures for "If You're Happy And You Know It", she's getting really good at using her fork/spoon by herself, and can do her shapes puzzle all by herslef.
New words: Meow, careful, "I pooped", diaper, airplane, Barney
And here is a video of Brianne after she ate her yogurt all by herself... She is saying "good" over and over again because before I started filming I asked if her yogurt was good. And please disregard the mess in the background of this picture...

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