"It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into" ~ Terri Guillemets

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pictures, Runny Noses and Shoes

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." - Marilyn Monroe

We had quite a busy weekend! Friday I was unable to post because I had to leave my laptop at home so Brianne could watch Barney with Memaw and Pops (our DVD player is still on strike and refuses to play all things Barney and I haven't bought a new one). Bri came down with another cold Friday too, great! I guess we are in for another long long winter (and this morning I woke up with a sore throat). I just hope that she has outgrown the breathing problems because I don't know if I can take many more late night trips to Children's Urgent Care for breathing treatments... And with this cold Bri has lost her appetite which is totally unheard of for her. But luckily, so far, it's just mostly a runny nose and cough ~ knocking on wood now!

Saturday we had picture day with Tricia and that didn't go so well. We had arranged to meet at a park but as soon as we got there, it started raining and it was cold and just an all over yucky day. Add to that the fact that Bri fell asleep only 10 minutes before we got there and was super unhappy about being woken up, and even more unhappy about mommy putting fancy shoes and headbands on her, add in a little rain and a couple of not-too-familiar women with cameras; well that there's a recipe for disaster is what it is. Brianne was having no part of posing or smiling or leaving mommy or handing over blankie. So, the handful of pics we were able to get include me and yes of course, blankie. There should be a few smiles though because we found a really pretty water fountain that we could walk out too and Bri loved playing in the water. And some super nice stranger with a dog helped get us a few more smiles. He saw how upset Bri got when he walked by without stopping and so he came back and let us pet his dog (and I'm pretty sure the dog will be in some of the pics too. Too bad I didn't get his name...).

I tried changing Brianne's outfit at the park after we got some pics in her first outfit but that just caused even more of a meltdown. The photographer had set up a wicker basket and pumpkins and fake fall leaves for her next outfit and I don't think she got even one in that setting. But since Tricia is so spectacular, she only charged us for half a session and this way we can just reschedule. We are going to try to do family pics in October sometime with Jason's sister and her 2 little girls so that should be fun...

Yesterday we went to the mall and met my parents there. Brianne got to play in the little play area and had a blast! She was moving so fast that the pics turned out blurry (but these were taken with my crappy phone camera too so what do you expect?)

And after trying several hats on her, which she was very happy about, we did some serious shoe shopping! Her feet are getting so big that she has literally outgrown every pair she owns so she has to wear 1 of her 2 pairs of sandals so her toes can hang over (see the pic above) and since it's getting cold, I thought some new shoes were in order. Besides, her mommy has oh, about 1000 pairs of shoes (probably closer to 500 but still, I have alot of shoes) so I figured she needs more than 1 pair too right? I think I mentioned in a previous post how I was eyeing a pair of pink Chuck Taylor All Stars for her, well, I got em! And they are so flippin cute on her! She also got a new pair of white Stride Rite mary janes and a cute pair of hot pink t-straps with orange flowers on them. This morning she was rocking the Chucks and was all punked out in a black tutu, stripey shirt, black skull and crossbones socks and of course the pink Chucks. I will get a pic of her in the outfit tonight, she was grumpy this morning (stayed up till nearly 10 last night).

Oh and before I forget, I have to share this. Jason bought Bri a whole bunch of stuff from Baby Gap online last week! I think it's the first time he ever bought her clothes himself! And he did really well! A cute outfit, 2 pairs of PJs and a whole bunch of new socks (cute ones too). So let's hear it for Daddy!

Sorry, one more thing and I'll stop typing... I have to post how cute it was this morning when we dropped Bri off at daycare. Jason carried her in and I walked over to her little cubby to restock her diapers and desitin. When I was over there I heard one of the little girls say "hi bee-ann" and it was the cutest thing ever! So when I turned around Bri was standing there, leaning up against her daddy, and the other 5 or 6 kids had all gathered around Bri, forming a semi-circle in front of her and they were just all staring at her. Her little BFF was staring at her shoes, then handed her a book. One little boy walked over to me and kept pointing at my welly's (I was wearing my houndstooth rain boots this morning with a skirt) and was saying "shoes?". Then all the kids gathered round me and were trying to touch my boots! I don't know who was more interesting this morning, Bri or my boots!

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