We got our pictures back from the photographer and they are really great! I can't believe she was able to get so many good ones because Brianne was not a happy girl that day. I will post a few once we get the CD in the mail (the ones online all have Proof across them). I am actually hoping to use one of the pics with Bri in her purple hat on our Christmas card this year too...
Last night was a long sleepless night fraught with worry for me. For whatever reason Bri had the one bright red, slightly swollen looking ear thing going on again. And her little cheeks were red and flushed looking and I don't know what causes that! It's driving me insane because I automatically assume it's some form of allergic reaction to something and then I start going through everything she has eaten, drank, touched all day, it's exhausting. We are going to the doctor next week for her 18 month well care visit so I am going to add this to my ever growing list of questions for the doc. Personally, I'm still leaning toward some sort of milk or dairy allergy...
Sam's bridal shower is in 2 days yay! Tonight I have to make one final trip to Michael's for some last minute cake supplies and then I'm going to bake the cake so tomorrow night it will be all ready for frosting and decorating. I am actually excited about doing this one, I just hope it turns out good and is a nice surprise for the bride-to-be (which is why I am still not disclosing any info on it until afterward!). And I still have to go shopping for her gift... there's just never enough time!

Little Sailer Girl

But can someone please explain to me why all the toddler and little girl halloween costumes are so skimpy? I mean come on! Halloween falls in autumn, which is usually cold, and they are LITTLE GIRLS for crying out loud! Howe bout making some costumes that will actually cover them? And some of the pictures of the little girls posing in their costumes are just not right. That is all I am saying on that right now (but I'm sure there will be a revisit when Brianne is old enough to pick out her own costume).
And it has been confirmed, my sister-in-law, her hubby, the girls (Tara and Olivia) and my mother-in-law are coming up the weekend of the 8th and we are taking the girls to the Zoo for their Hallzooween festival! I am super excited about going back to the zoo but especially with Bri's cousins and the family and the fact that it's Halloween, it's gonna be a blast! Bri hasn't seen her cousins since June so it should be interesting to see them all together again, especially now that Olivia is older (8 months). I still have to get Brianne's halloween costume and I'm still stuck on what she should be. I guess I should see what the weather will be like for next weekend that way I can get her one that she can wear to the zoo. But right now, these are my top 3 contenders:
Minnie Mouse

Little Red Riding Hood (probably my fave too)

But can someone please explain to me why all the toddler and little girl halloween costumes are so skimpy? I mean come on! Halloween falls in autumn, which is usually cold, and they are LITTLE GIRLS for crying out loud! Howe bout making some costumes that will actually cover them? And some of the pictures of the little girls posing in their costumes are just not right. That is all I am saying on that right now (but I'm sure there will be a revisit when Brianne is old enough to pick out her own costume).
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