So we basically spent our long Holiday weekend sick, and as such, we missed the Hot Air Balloon Race at Coney. But Jason was pretty much was on his death bed Friday with a fever near 103 all day. Brianne and I just pretty much have your standard cold, but she seems to be getting better. We haven't had to use her inhaler since last Thursday or Friday and her nose is even starting to dry up some. Me, I am stuck in sickness limbo - my sore throat will not go away. All other symptoms are gone, and now I have this soreness but only on the right side of my throat. And it's really weird cuz it hurts to swallow, yawn, turn my head or touch my neck/throat. It feels swollen to, so being the hypochondriac that I am, assume that it is my thyroid. Jason and I are both going to Urgent Care tonight, but not together because I am not taking Brianne to sit in the waiting room full of sick-o's since she is getting better...
We did actually get out of the house for a little bit though. Sunday my mom came down and took Bri and I to the park. Bri had a blast too! She is so fearless and was walking up the slide and going through the tunnels and just running around having a grand ol' time. She didn't want to get out of the baby swing though. She loves to swing! We took her over to show her the little water park area with all the water spouts and giant fiberglass animals and of course she wanted to get in there and get wet. We didn't go prepared for that though so we just observed from the sidelines. I have a few cute pics of our outing too but don't have to time to "unload" them now so I will post them later.
We also took her shopping at the mall and my little girl already loves to accesorize! At The Children's Place she picked out a purple bracelet and necklace, which coincidentally went right with one of the cute dresses we picked out for her. I know that the jewelry is a huge choking hazard but I figured I would get it just for pictures. She was so cute in the store that I couldn't resist. She put the bracelet on and held her little arm out for everyone to see. She was so proud of her bling!
Yesterday we went to Kroger, just Brianne and I and the last time we went alone it was a catastrophe. She wanted out of the cart and when I wouldn't let her it was melt down city. So this time, in an effort to curtail the meltdown, I took preventative action - I packed her sippy, some snacks, her blankie and let her pick out one of the cute carts with the car attached and whoa!
She had more fun than should be allowed in a grocery store! She was living large, turning her steering wheel and honking her horn. Once I even glimpsed her little feet kicked up on the steering wheel while she took a break to eat some teddy grahams. Before he snack though, she had to rid herself of the paci so she took it out of her mouth and just held it out her little car window as if to say, "mom, take this, I'm done with it".

When it was time to go home and I had all the groceries loaded into the trunk, she would not come out of the car! I told her I was going to leave her there and she told me "bye" and blew me a kiss! So when I finally wrestled her out, she was upset and threw a temper tantrum. Oh well, I'm sure she would have been more upset had I really left her there in the parking lot of Kroger.
Her vocabulary expanded yet again over this long weekend. She now knows "cold" and "outside" and "watch". She also learned how to put a DVD in mommy's laptop. Yes, we watched multiple Barney episodes on the laptop, that way Daddy and I could watch the big tv and tune the purple dinosaur out!
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