"It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into" ~ Terri Guillemets

Friday, September 2, 2011

Where Has The Summer Gone??

I say this all the time (even more so now that I am a mom to an ever growing toddler) but time freaking flies by!!!! It boggles my mind that it is already September, how did that happen? What happened to July and August? I feel like I blinked and they were gone. That makes me sad because A.) I don't want these precious early months of Brianne's life to go by at warp speed, I mean, I would like to enjoy every second with her that I can while she is growing and changing so much. And B.) I L.O.V.E summer! I love the hot weather, the longer daylight hours, the beautiful flowers, the pool, going to the park/zoo, flip flops and sandals, shorts and tanks, summer dresses, the smell of fresh cut grass even the humidity. And here it is, Labor Day weekend already, the unofficial end of summer... What the heck happened to MY summer???

Don't worry though, because as much as I love summer and hate to say goodbye to it, I love Fall the second most. It is a nice consolation prize for losing summer. Fall would probably be my favorite season if it weren't followed by winter, but I am not touching that right now. So with Fall a mere 19 days away, my mind begins to dwell on 2 things - Halloween and all things pumpkin! I love pumpkin! And I can't wait to take Brianne back to the Pumpkin Patch this year and go on the hay ride and pick our own pumpkin and walk through the sunflower maze. We took her last year and because I was a blog-slacker I didn't post anything about it (but hey, I was busy being a good mom). So, here are a couple pics from our pumpkin-picking-outing last year.

Me and Bri in the Sunflower Field

Look how tall she was and she was only 7 months old!!

In case you couldn't make the last one out...

This is a crappy cell phone pic but look at that grin on Brianne's face, so adorable!

And I can't wait to go back to Blooms and Berries again this year and see how she measures on the height chart!

Of course with all this talk of pumpkins and fall that gets me super excited about my favorite holiday coming up - Halloween! I have already been shopping / researching costumes for Brianne (and me) and my first idea was shot down by the hubby. I thought Bri could be Jessie from Toy Story, and Jason could be Woody and I would be Bo Peep. I showed him the Woody costume and got a real big "negative ghost rider" on that one. But honestly it was pretty bad. So now I'm thinking Brianne and I could both be Minnie Mouse, or Belle from Beauty and The Beast, Snow White or Tinker Bell. And Jason can play the supporting role (ie. Mickey Mouse, The Beast, Prince Charming or Peter Pan - ha, that would be hilarious!). So far, I am really loving this little Belle costume, but there is still plenty of time to decide.

I hope to have lots of pics to post from our outing tomorrow to the hot air balloon race and from our DIY project I have planned for Sunday (and I have big plans for a weekly DIY post too). And on that note, I will leave you with a big fat, "Happy Long Weekend!!!"

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