Brianne is 17 months old, can you believe it?!?!? We are nearing the half year mark already.
Weight: 27 lbs (this is a guess)
Height: 32 in (this is also a guess)
Clothing size: 24 months - 2T
Show size: 6, yes that's right, a 6!
Favorite food: Nutri-grain bars, sweet potatoes, blueberries, bananas, pizz, lasagna
Milestones: Has starting letting me know when she has a poopy diaper on and will either try to take it off herself or get me a clean diaper and lay down in front of me. I hope this means potty training will be easy (but I'm not going to hold my breath). She can also now point to her head, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, belly, fingers, toes and hair when asked.
New words: Bath, out, go, tissue, kitty, bike and car.
And here are a few pics from yesterday.

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