I've been doing alot of thinking lately about how I ended up on the "career" path that I did. I have a BA in political science yet I have a job as a system administrator. I know more about databases now then who is currently on the Supreme Court Bench... And while I am making good money, well, let's call it decent money, and I have good hours and benefits and I work with my husband, I think it's time for a change. I've been doing this for 9 years and while there are easy days there are also the days that I just want to crawl under my desk and cry (for reasons I won't go into right now). Not to mention that I have been bumping my head against this glass ceiling now for the past 5 years...
I've also been doing a lot of thinking about going back to school and what I want to do when I "grow up". And this, combined with the above, led me to this conclusion: I want to be a nurse. Not just any nurse, but a pediatric nurse. I want to help children. I know I have alot of work to do and research to do to determine what school I want to go to and if any of my basic credits from UC will carry over and of course I will need to figure out how to pay for all of this. But this would be for all of us, Jason and Bri as much as for me.
It's not that I'm not happy right now, because I am, at home. My personal life couldn't be better! But my professional/work life leaves alot to be desired. I actually just finished updating my resume and posting for 2 really awesome IT job openings (both at Cincinnati Children's Hospital) and that scared me to death! Just the thought of the potential changes that could come from simply applying for a new job makes my heart flutter a bit. So everyone please wish me luck on the potential job offerings!
And now, onto the reason for this blog, Brianne! She is spending the day with her grandparents, as she does every Friday, and I'm so glad! She had a rough week in her class at daycare. She isn't taking to change very good either, but she will grow to love that room I think. Yesterday was much better than Monday and Tuesday so hopefully after another week in the new room she will be adjusted better.
This weekend we may go to the zoo if the weather stays as perfect as it is now. I am also going to make a little DIY sandbox and water table for us to play, idea courtesy of The Imagination Tree, I love that blog! And I need to fix the finger paint I made because I got it out to test it this morning and its super runny, and when I painted with it on paper it was more like water colors... If I can thicken it up then we will do some finger painting this weekend too.
And... here are some pics of Brianne coloring.

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