While we were waiting to see the doctor, Brianne acted like her normal happy self though. She got super excited over the fish tank and pointed out every fish to me as loudly proclaimed “FISH! Mom, FISH!”. Then she found the animal mural on the wall and quickly found the Panda (“BEAR!), lions (“Roar!”) and penguins (“PENG!”). She loved sitting in the little chairs too and ironically her sitting in such a tiny chair made her look like such a big girl. She was looking at a cake decorating book I had in my bag (a co-worker gave it to me yesterday, just in case you were thinking I often walk around with such books in my purse) and just curled into that little chair with the book and was happy for all of 10 minutes.
She was fine up until time to get weighed… They asked if she could stand on the scale and I said “sure she can”, and she could have, but she did not want to. Melt down #1 and heat rash and splotches to boot. (She weighs 30lbs though!!!!). Then we got her back to the room and she was suddenly mommy’s girl. Didn’t want to explore or sit in the little chair in her room, just wanted to bury her face in mommy’s chest and hope no one was coming to give her shots. She was fine though, otherwise… until the doctor tried to look in her ears. Meltdown #2. This part confuses me too cuz she is used to people looking in her ears and has never really minded before. I mean, she has ear tubes so they get looked a lot too! Then we were all fine again until time to put her clothes back on. She did not want to get dressed. Meltdown #3.
After her doctor appointment, she was a different child then we saw in the waiting room. When we got her home you could tell she was sick just by looking at her. She was real pale with puffy red eyes with green goop in the corners, a red, runny nose and the remnants of heat rash. She just wanted to sit in the floor with her books and puzzle and chill. Until she got a glimpse of her DVDs and then she grabbed Barney and led me by the hand to the tv saying “Barn!” which I just love. So we cuddled and watched Barney before bed time. Then at 2am, she spiked a fever of 101.9 again… And that means I didn’t sleep much, again. And after all the bragging I did about not getting sick and having an “iron immune system” well, I guess mother nature decided to put me in my place cuz now I have a sore throat and chills. I thought moms weren’t supposed to get sick.
So I leave you pics from the doctor yesterday...
My big girl in her little chair

See, she looks pretty miserable here. Look at her puffy eyes and runny nose : (
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