"Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday and you’re not feeling real well, does anyone ever say to you, “Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays?” -Peter Gibbons Office Space
Yep, someone does indeed have a case of the Mondays... Me. Brianne wasn't feeling too hot this weekend, and she coughed her little head off all night last night and this morning (she was even sneezing in her sleep which seems weird to me). And when she woke up this morning there was the tell-tale signs of a sinus infection - green goopy eyes, yuck! But since my employer has already informed me that I have no sick days left and if I call off anymore before the end of August I will be reprimanded, I had no choice but to take her to daycare and come to work. Want to talk about something ruining your day? As a mom, leaving your child at daycare is always hard, Mondays are harder than other days, but leaving your sick, mopey, wanting-extra-cuddles child at daycare, on a Monday, is by far the worst.
I will be able to get her out early though so I feel slightly better about that (doctor at 2:45 today) but all day I am plagued with guilt for leaving her and anger for having to come to work, worry because she is sick and has had breathing issues in the past and sadness from being away from my daughter. I slept very little last night so I'm sure the lack of sleep is only adding to my emotional state today. Every time she has a respiratory or sinus infection I become the worlds' best (or worst) worrier. I worry that she can't breathe and that she is going to stop breathing when she is asleep or that she is going to choke when coughing and her being away from me only makes that fear amplified because what if one of those things happen at daycare! She has an inhaler but I don't have a doctor's note for daycare so they can't administer it if she needs it.
But knock on wood, I have some how managed to avoid getting sick, again! The hubs is still feeling pretty crappy too and I know that if I was going to catch whatever it is that they have, I would already be feeling bad so maybe I'm lucky yet again.
Big news though! I can't believe I forgot to mention this in my previous post, but we finally turned Brianne's car seat around! She is a big girl now in a forward facing car seat and she seems to love it! We can talk to her now, and see her, and she can look out the windows and feel the AC on her toes now. Makes for a happier toddler and a happier mommy! Here's a pic of her from phone so it's not the best pic ever. And before anyone tries to lecture me on the safety of rear facing until 35 lbs let me just intercede with this: She is almost 18 months, roughly 30lbs, and since she is so tall it was becoming increasingly difficult getting her in and out of the rear facing seat without bumping her head on the roof of the car. And because of her height, the specs of the car seat suggest turning her around now anyway. So, in conclusion... oh wait, this isn't a scientific experiment and I do not need to justify anything to anyone. So, There!
And as always, keep sending prayers Kate's way (today is her final day of chemo and she has been having a rough time with it.)

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