We got the 2 bins at Home Depot for like $5 each and filled one with play sand and one with water. The sand was like $3 for a 50lb bag so that was good deal, although I'm not sure what we'll use the rest of the sand for because we only used like a 1/4 of the sand. Maybe cat litter?
Anyway, Brianne loved the water table bin, and eventually ended up climbing in it like it was a kiddie pool. We need to get a little table or platform to put it on and make it waist height but for now it was just on the deck (because the table we do have is not very stable). But the sand box... no dice. I should have known because she does not like having dirty hands, period. If she gets food on her hands, or dirt, or a fuzz ball she whines and holds her hands out to me or says "tissue" and runs for a paper towel. So why did I think sand would be any different?
So I played in the sand and she did seem interested, she watched everything I did, but any time she would touch it, she would whine. So I picked her up and put her feet in it, thinking that if she just stood in it and let it squish between her toes it would be fun... ladies and gentlemen we just lost cabin pressure. Melt down! She did not like sand between her toes, nope, no way, not gonna have it. So we just played in the water table/pool with our squirt toys and watering can and measuring cups. We will keep trying though.
Other than the melt down over the sand box, we had a fun weekend. Brianne's finger paints never did thicken up so I am going to pitch them and start over. I guess I just didn't use enough corn starch, but look how pretty the colors turned out. I used Wilton's gel colors to tint it.

We also started creating a Nature Discovery box for more sensory play (again, courtesy of The Imagination Tree) and we created an Arts Bin with crayons, paper, coloring books, tissue paper and crayola color wonder markers and the special paper. When we went for our morning walk yesterday Brianne took her bucket and we started collecting "treasures" from nature for that discovery box. We collected 6 perfect pine cones, which Bri is completely fascinated with, some acorns, some pretty rocks and some twigs (Brianne loves the feel of the bark on them). Here is one of our "perfect pine cones". I will keep you posted on what we do with the pine cones, if anything other than discovery play.

And everyone please keep our little blog friend Kate in your thoughts and prayers today as she is starting her chemo today.
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