Yesterday was Brianne’s first full day in her new room at daycare. She is a Duck now and I think after she gets over the shock of being in a new room with new teachers, she is going to love it there. It’s just going to take her some time to adjust to the changes, because I feel that she is a lot like her mommy in that regard – change is hard! But when we got to daycare yesterday to pick her up we walked in the room and the scene we walked into was quite funny. There were 2 teachers and like 5 or 6 kids sitting on the floor around a TV. They were not, however, watching the TV. They were watching Brianne, who was standing in the middle of the circle, right in front of the TV, dancing to Barney! When she looked up and saw us, she gave us the biggest grin and came running to us. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the TV and pointed to it and said “Barney!”.
Even though she seemed to be having a good time when we picked her up her teachers said she was a little whiney but that they just chalked it up to it being her first day in a new place. Hopefully she will have a better day today. They went outside yesterday and will be today too because the weather is just perfect so that should make her happy. She loves going “OUT!” and we’ve gotten to the point where we spend the first half an hour or so outside when we get home.
I have to mention this too… Sunday morning I had to go to the bathroom and Brianne was just sitting in the living room playing so I just left her there so I could go. Well she followed me to the bathroom and kept wanting me to put her up on the sink (where she sits to brush her teeth and wash her hands). I kept telling her we would get up there when mommy finished but she didn’t want to wait. So I knew that she had taken her toothbrush in the living room the night before (to brush her baby dolls teeth) and that it was on the table. So I told her we couldn’t brush her teeth without her toothbrush and that she should go find it. Well she disappeared around the corner but then popped right back into view with both hands up in the “I don’t know” motion. I told her “it’s on the table” and she said “table?” I said yes on the table and then she disappeared again and came back a few minutes later with her toothbrush! She is so smart! We actually have some super cute pics of her brushing her teeth but they are still “in” the new camera so when I figure out how to get them “out” of the camera, I will post them.
A few more new things she has learned recently are saying “mmooooo” when she sees a cow, “roar” when she sees a lion or bear, she will rub her hands together when I tell her its time to wash our hands, and anytime she gets her hands dirty, or drops food or something on her clothes, blankie or the floor she will immediately run to the kitchen and point up where we keep the paper towels and say “tissue” lol. She will try to clean up her messes or wipe her mouth if I ask her to and it’s just so cute. She also knows where all her books are and she will go get one and when we finish it, she will take it and put it away. Such a good little helper.
Tomorrow she will be 17 months old and I am going to reintroduce the monthly stats post. Most of her stats tomorrow will be guestimates though because I can’t weigh or measure her as good as the doctor. I will be scheduling her 18 month well baby check up today, as well as her 18 month pictures with our fabulous photographer Tricia. I think we’re going to do these pics at Spring Grove Cemetery again because it’s such a beautiful place (although I was also kind of wanting to dress her up and take her to a park and see how good we can do with the new Nikon DSLR). And we have exciting things planned for the upcoming weekends – August 27 we are going to our friend’s daughters 3rd birthday party (and I’m making her cake so I will busy the 2 days before the party too), Sept 2 we are off for a 4 day weekend and will be going to a Hot Air Balloon race at Coney (it was rescheduled from last weekend), and next Tuesday, that’s right one week from today, I will be going to the Jimmy Buffett concert with Sam and Anna!
That’s all for now, will post stats tomorrow (and hopefully some pics too).
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