I couldn’t find an appropriate quote for the day so I decided to go with the above because the look on the little boys face just makes me giggle…
This post is about time-outs. Time-outs you say? Yes, that’s right, today I am posting about Brianne’s first official time-out. The terrible two’s have begun early and are in full swing at our house. So, last weekend, Brianne was sitting on my lap and reached up and grabbed my glasses, which is of course a big NO-NO! I’m all the time telling her not to grab my glasses (or other people’s) but for some reason it hasn’t sunk in. And without my glasses I’m blind, I mean there will be no tv watching, reading, driving and it probably wouldn’t be safe for me to attempt a diaper change without them. So I told her, “NO Brianne, we don’t NOT take mommy’s glasses! That is not nice!” and what she did next shocked me! My sweet little angel turned into something I have yet to identify… With an evil little grin on her face she reached up and grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked, hard! When I was able to pry her little fist open there was the handful of my hair! I thought for sure there would be a bald spot! And it hurt too! That’s when I told her that she was being put in time-out for being mean to mommy.
I put her in the playpen with no toys for 5 minutes. When I got her out I told her that she hurt me, hurt my feelings, and could have broken something important to mommy and that under no circumstances do we hit, pull hair or grab peoples’ glasses. I told her she needed to apologize to mommy and just like she fully understood me, she gave me a hug. And then I felt like a horrible mother for having put her in time-out. But I honestly don’t know where she got this little mean streak (no comments allowed from my mom or dad on that one).
I’m sure this is all going to get worse when she actually turns 2 and I just hope that we can get through it unscathed, all of us. Everyone failed to mention to me that the terrible 2s start at 15 months!! Which reminds me, Brianne will be 17 months old in just 4 days!!!
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