Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here for an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life” – Maureen Hawkins
It’s been a good week, Brianne has been feeling good and is as happy as ever and she is just the sweetest little girl in the world! No matter how bad a day I have, when she smiles at me, it all just melts away. We had very few temper tantrums this week, and it seems like she may be getting over her separation anxiety little by little as there were no tears when we left her at daycare this week. That makes leaving her there so difficult, when she cries and reaches for me, I just want to grab her and say screw work, I’m taking my baby home!
Tuesday she got to go visit the Ducks’ room at daycare and apparently she had a blast! Her teacher said she went in the new room and ran right up to her new teacher Miss Tracy and just smiled at her. And I guess they started practicing with the big girl cup because she had a wardrobe change during the day. I don’t know if it is because she is “graduating” to the bigger kids’ room or what, but all week I have been dying while I’m away from her! I start counting down the minutes till time to leave and go get her so I can grab her up and love her! But at least it is Friday and that means I will have her all to myself all weekend!
Speaking of the weekend, I am so excited because we are going to have our first painting session! I have a recipe for making “edible” finger paints and we are going to plaster the dining room table with rolls of paper and just get dirty making art! Here is the recipe I found and I can’t wait to see how it turns out
Home Made Edible Finger Paint
* 2 cups of corn starch
* 1 cup of cold water
* 4.5 cups of boiling water
* Liquid food coloring
Mix the cornstarch with the cold water and stir together.
Pour in the boiling water one cup at a time and stir between each cup.
Keep stirring and until it "melts" into a custard-like consistency.
Separate it into individual jars (I’m going to use baby food jars) before adding coloring.
Add food color to each jar and stir.
You can store these in your refrigerator when you’re done for your next Picasso moment.
I also will be making a few sample/practice cakes to take to Sam so she can decide on her wedding cake! I will be making her wedding cake in November so I better start practicing now! Other than that, we have a low key weekend planned and that’s just what I need because I have a busy week coming up. Wednesday, Brianne will be going to her first Cincinnati Red’s Baseball game! It’s an evening game though so I hope we can squeeze in a nap in the car otherwise there will be crying in Baseball… And then Thursday morning I am driving to Grand Rapids Michigan with a coworker, just an overnighter, to set up some new applications in our satellite station. And then next weekend we are going to take Brianne to see a Hot Air Balloon Race at Coney Island and that should be tons of fun, and hopefully I will have lots of pics to post.
Which reminds me, for our 2nd anniversary (which is just around the corner – September 12) we are going to get a Nikon DSLR camera, I can’t wait! Then I will be posting pics all the time! Especially after I get my Droid X2 in September (yes, I realize I am like the last person in the world to get a smartphone, well, second to last, Jase still doesn’t have one either ha!). So, I will leave you with a pic, just a crappy mobile phone pic, but look at that smile!

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