"It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into" ~ Terri Guillemets

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Shenanigans

So, we had an appointment for Brianne’s 18 month well baby check up with her doctor this morning. And I should be posting her 18 month stats, but, well, we never actually made it to the doctor. Her doctor’s office only about 5 miles from our house and there are 2 ways to get there, one by interstate (just go down one exit) or one by regular street. I decided to just drive down the main road and avoid the interstate and since it’s Friday, and my parents watch her on Friday’s, they were following me with Bri in their car, that way after the appointment I could just go straight to work. I made the turn onto the street where the doctor’s office is and right before the driveway there was a horrible accident (2 cars and a motorcycle) and the whole road was blocked by 2 fire trucks, 3 ambulances and several cops. We were a little early so I decided rather than waiting it out, to turn around and go back down the street and get on the interstate and come around the other way. We made it around and to the street where the doctor’s office is, but were still stuck in traffic and at this point nearly 15 minutes late. I decided to call the doc to tell them what was going on and let them know we should be there soon. I explained to the receptionist what was going on and she asked which doctor we were coming to see and I told her and she said “oh honey, Dr B is at the Amelia office today”… So that being another 30 mins away (not including the traffic jam we were in) I had to call them and explain what I did and see if we could still come in but that we would be super late. She said that it would be best to reschedule at this point… BLAH! So we go to the doctor next Thursday and next week I’ll make darn sure I go to the right office! This is so not my day!

I guess things happen for a reason though because yesterday I almost called to reschedule her appointment since she has to get shots and as we are going to the zoo tomorrow, I thought it may be best to do it later. I didn’t want her to be fussy or feeling bad from the shots when we were at the zoo, but figured we might as well just go ahead and get it over with. I guess destiny decided for us.

In an effort to cheer myself up and end this post on a high note, I am going to share some Brianne stories now… This week was a really good week at daycare. No crying when we dropped her off and everyday it was easier and easier. When we picked her up Wednesday she was sitting at the big kid table in her big kid chair eating animal crackers and drinking from a real cup! That made me so happy because just a few weeks ago we walked in on snack time and she was sequestered in a high chair on the floor, away from all the other kids because she couldn’t sit in a big kid chair (well she could but it was still dangerous because she still didn’t understand how not to fall out). And yay, we are slowly moving away from sippy cups now too!!! The weather was so nice all week too and so the teacher’s took the kids outside a couple times each day and they said Brianne had a blast and that she is starting to interact with the other kids more now, which is another milestone to check off!

Yesterday when we got home she wanted to play outside more so while dinner was in the oven, she and I played in her sandbox. She likes the sand a lot better when it’s dry and didn’t even fuss when it touched her this time, although she did still want to wipe her hands off on my pants when we were done playing. And, last weekend we got her a new toy, a Little People fire truck (that she picked out) that’s filled with the big legos. Last night, she built mommy a marvelous lego tower, all by herself! Milestone – check! And the highlight of my week… you know how sometimes you can see the moon out during the daylight hours? Yesterday you could just see it in the sky, it was bright out though so I hadn’t even noticed it, but in the car on the way home Brianne was in the back seat pointing and saying what I thought was “moo” and I kept asking her, “where do you see a cow baby” and she just kept pointing and saying “moo”. When we got out of the car, she pointed up to the sky and said “moo!” and only then did we realize she was showing us the Moon!!! My little girl is so observant and just the smartest little girl ever!

And I also want to share a few of my new favorite things - Huggies new Slip On Diapers and Huggies Overnights... both are ingenious! The slip on diapers are the absolute best thing since sliced bread, for reals! Know how much fun it is to change the diaper of a toddler who is always on the go? Ever tried to change a toddler's diaper on a changing table in a public restroom? Well now you can change them super fast! I can't wait to really give them a good test tomorrow at the zoo too. And the overnight diapers, whoa are those things absorbent! Bri has been on this "more" milk thing every night (it's a stalling tactic for her, she thinks if she asks for more milk, she can postpone going to sleep) and so lately her morning diapers have been so full and twice this week we had leaks (one of which she tried to take her own diaper off but only got one side undone, and ended up peeing all over her blankie, pj's and sheets). Got the new overnights yesterday and this morning, the diaper was huge, but Bri was dry and there were no leaks! Yay, score 1 for mom!

Phew! And now my carpal tunnel is acting up so that is all I can type today. I will have tons of zoo pics to post soon though, and we have a couple art projects we want to get to this weekend (including some more cake stuff) so stay tuned for picture posts!

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