"It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into" ~ Terri Guillemets

Monday, September 19, 2011

DIY Monday - Modern Art Collage (And Other Stuff)

What a weekend we had… There was a whole lot of DIY going on, though most of it was wedding related and not so much centered around Brianne. Saturday was quite productive, on many levels. Brianne and I finished our collage and I’m quite proud of it. She arranged and rearranged her pieces of painted newspaper on several different colors of construction paper. But in the end, she really liked the black paper. We got a little messy with the glue stick though and the pink paper ended up sticking to the black paper but it gave it a nice effect I think. She also decided that she needed to color on the collage, though you can’t really see that in the pictures, but it’s black paper. How we created our modern art collage: Brianne painted on newspaper with 2 different paint brushes – one regular and one sponge like. We let it dry and then I cut it into various shapes, some regular and some irregular. Then I laid out several sheets of colored construction paper and let Bri dive into the paper and shapes.

After she arranged the pieces on the paper,

I used the glue stick to permanently attach them and voila, instant modern art, and here is our finished product. I like how the center has kind of a star shape too.
We had such a busy morning arranging, coloring and gluing that Brianne passed out, right in the middle of the floor, while she was playing picnic. See, her toys are all still surrounding her, and you can't see it here, but she even had a little plastic orange slice in one hand.
Our other DIY projects this weekend were done at Sam’s house, the bride-to-be. I, along with her MOH Sarah and Anna (fellow bridesmaid), helped finish her invitations and I spray-painted some picture frames and plaques. There was no hot-glueing moss to anything this time so that made us all happy. Everything was going swimmingly until Sam tried on her wedding dress. I won’t go into details but we ended up at David’s Bridal frantically shopping for a new dress. But it all turned out great! Sam ended up getting the dress of her dreams and the ladies at David’s were all wonderful! They even let her exchange her dress (because they sold it to her pre-altered and stained). I’m so happy for her too and the new dress is just gorgeous!

Yesterday was spent mostly in the house with a sort of sick, grumpy toddler. She didn’t sleep well Saturday night and I don’t think she was feeling too good either. And for whatever reason she broke out in hives yesterday morning – only 4 hives, but still, that’s enough to freak mommy out. I was racking my brain trying to identify what she ate or drank that was new, or if we used new soap or lotion or detergent but we hadn’t done anything differently or tried any new exotic foods. After her nap (that was much too short, hence the grumpiness) the hives never came back, so it remains a big mystery. But I of course am still worried. My brain is wired to take something simple like a few hives and turn it into the potential for anaphylactic shock and urgent 911 calls. Anything that could potentially affect her breathing really gets to me, I guess after seeing her stop breathing and turn blue so often in the NICU (and at home) left a mark. Hopefully in time those horrible memories will fade some and I won’t be so afraid her turning blue again, but we’ll have to wait and see I guess.

We didn’t get around to doing our stained glass piece this weekend, but I really hope to get to it next weekend. We have some busy days ahead with pictures and bridal showers so I hope we can still make time for our projects. And I think we decided on a Halloween costume – a ladybug. I found a super cute one for a reasonable price and I’m going to just get it and be done with it. I mean, why spend a fortune on a costume when she will probably only trick-or-treat to 2 houses and then be done. Plus, I want to get one now so she can wear it for her pictures next weekend and to Hal-zoo-ween at the zoo when we go there with the family.

And one bit of good news for this Monday morning post – my husband being the genius that he is, was able to recover the lost pictures on my laptop!! I am so happy about that! Thanks Jason, you are still my hero! Oh, and I am going to post Brianne's 18month updates today too, better late than never right?

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