"It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into" ~ Terri Guillemets

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

30w6d - Feeling icky!

I'll start with the good stuff... tomorrow is the 31 week milestone, yay! Just 3 more weeks of bed rest woohoo! I'm half way there and feeling good that I've made it through the last 3 weeks. Yesterday I bought 4 tickets to the Jimmy Buffett concert for me, Sam, Anna and Natalie, yay! I just hope I am able to go since the concert is May 17 and my due date is April 28 (assuming I make it to my due date but I'm being optimistic). If I am able to go, I hope I have lost the baby weight so I can wear a coconut bra and grass skirt but we'll see.

Now the bad stuff... I finished my antibiotic yesterday and still feel like crap! Yesterday was one of those days when you can't quit sneezing and you want to put a cork in your nostrils to stop the dripping. Glad mom bought me those kleenex with lotion, my nose is very greatful! This morning I woke up with a sore throat again and my ears are all full and it sounds like I'm in a tunnel. So much for the tamiflu! I keep taking my temperature to make sure I don't have a fever and so far I'm good. But I'm so tired that it feels like I just ran a marathon and I have been napping all day!

I also have some little feet or hands lodged under my rib cage, at least that's how it feels. It's hard to take a deep breath or catch my breath and every once in a while I feel a little flutter up there. I can only imagine how cramped it must be in there, but take it easy on mommy's ribs and lungs please Bri! She is going to be stubborn just like me, I just know it! And while we're on the subject of movement inside my bump, what's with the hiccups? I feel so bad for my little punkin cuz she seems to have them daily and when she does, they last for a really long time! I just hope that they aren't as annoying in utero as they are when you're out! Jason actually felt them last night they were so strong. But I still love to feel her movin in there. It reminds me of why I am doing all of this.

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