I had wonderful nurses and doctor's the entire time I was there, but it seems like they only came to my room when I was sleeping. During the day, they would come in before and after meals for my blood sugar, once in the afternoon to hook me up to the fetal monitor for an hour, and once with my morning meds. At night though, I feel like they came in every 2 hours! They would start at 9:00 PM with my evening meds (zoloft, pepcid and prometrium suppository). They would be back around 10 or 10:30 to listen to the baby's heartbeat on the monitor once more before bed. Then at midnight for vitals. They had me on a drug to stop and prevent contractions, I think it was called indocin but I'm not sure, and I had to take that every 6 hours so at 2 AM they would come in to give me that pill. Then at 6 am every morning the high risk doctor would come in to talk to me. I was always asleep when she would come in so I rarely managed to get a coherent thought out and I was full of questions for her but could never think of them when she was there. Yesterday morning though, I set the alarm on my cell phone for 5:30 so I could be awake and ready for her and I'm glad I was because after speaking with her, she decided I could go home.

Jason stayed with me Friday night and Saturday night and went home on Sunday afternoon to feed the cats and do laundry etc so he'd be ready for work on Monday. After he left, my best friend Sam and her fiance Alex came by to visit and she brought me goodies! She brought me magazines and a book of puzzles, some hand and face wipes, a nail file and a teddy bear. This is a pic of me with my teddy bear. Before they left my mom came to visit me and she stayed with me till nearly time for bed. Then I had to spend the night alone for the first time. It wasn't so bad, especially since I had nurses checking on me often, but still a little scary.
I decided that I wanted to be awake in the morning when the high risk doctor came in to talk to me. So before I fell asleep on Sunday, I set the alarm on my cell phone for 5:30 am. When she came in, I was awake and waiting for her. She asked me some questions - any fluid leaking, any spotting, any contractions, bleeding, fever or leg pains? No to all of them (even though I'm entirely sure I know what a contraction feels like exactly so I may have had some or I may not). She felt my baby bump and said it felt nice and soft and then she let me ask questions. I complained of feeling heavier, like my belly had suddenly gotten bigger and was pressing down. She said that it was due to me having extra amniotic fluid (seen on my ultrasound) and the fact that I'm carrying a large baby. (Did I mention she's already 3.5 lbs?!?!?) So she said they would get me a belly support band and she would talk to the head doctor and they would be back later.
Around 8:30 they showed up and Dr Worshack said she was letting me leave! She said I am to be on modified bed rest for at least the next 4 weeks and I'm not allowed to go to work or lift anything more than 10 lbs or go grocery shopping or vaccuum etc. But she said I'm okay to take showers or sit at my computer and do some work if I want to but to take it easy. If I feel regular contractions, fever, fluid leakage, etc I am to get my fat pregnant butt back to the hospital stat cuz with my short cervix labor won't take as long as normal (which is actually a good thing, I guess). So I called my husband at work (who was going to come have lunch with me) and told him the good news. He said he was on his way to get me! He showed up an hour later and of course when he walked in I burst into tears (I do that every time he enters or exits a room these days...). So I am home now, on the couch, watching the snow fall, talking to my belly and trying to stay sane. Every ache or pain I get now that I am home scares me and I wonder if it could be a contraction. With Jason at work and us having only one car, I will have to call an ambulance if I do go into labor so that's a little scary. And I'm such a hypochondriac that I hope I don't drive myself, or my doctor or husband, crazy.
I'm trying to make it to the next milestone - 32 weeks. Tommorrow is 29 so that means just 3 more to go. I am going to my OB on Thursday morning for a checkup on whether or not my cervix has changed any and to make sure my bag of waters hasn't ruptured etc. Then I go for another ultrasound on Mar 4. I just hope my little bun stays in the oven as long as possible! I'm supposed to have my baby shower on Feb 28 and we are supposed to take child birth classes on Mar 20 so again, I hope I make it. But I'm taking baby steps and looking forward to the 32 week mark which will be March 3...
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