It's yet another beautiful day here and again I wish I were outside enjoying it. I did go out and sit on the patio for a few minutes before feeling guilty about being upright and coming back in. I woke up hopeful because yesterday my mom said she would come over today to keep me company, so after breakfast I took a quick shower and put on clean pj's. When I came back downstairs, I had a text message saying she and my dad are getting their taxes done today and she would try to come tomorrow. I know she is busy on her off-work days and I know she probably doesn't realize how something little like her saying she would come visit could be such a big deal to me but it was. When you're on bed rest, it's the little things that you look forward to. Anything that offers a break in the normal routine of just laying on the couch alone that can brighten one's day. So I'm a little disappointed now that it's just going to be another boring day...
Today's Tuesday, pay day! I have a few bills to pay and I had planned on doing a little online shopping today (I really need to buy some nursing bras) so first thing this morning I checked my checking account online only to find that instead of getting paid what I should have, I only got paid about 1/4 of it! So since I'm on short term disability for being on bed rest, I contacted my HR contact and my STD case worker. My HR contact said that the last thing they received from my STD case worker was that I was only approved until 2/25 and that my claim was pending documents from my doctor. I knew my STD case worker was waiting for documents and I have called my OB several times, but I was told that he needed the docs by the 10th or my claim would be closed. Uh, hello, tomorrow is the 10th so what's the problem?? Turns out, while my claim was "pending" I was not eligible to be paid! WTF??? Why wasn't I told this in advance? So now I don't when, or if, I will be receiving the rest of my weekly pay or not and that makes it very difficult to pay our mortgage, car payment etc. I feel like keeping up with my STD case is a freaking full time job as I talk to them almost daily about one problem or another. I just hope it's not as time consuming once Bri is here because god only knows how busy I'll be with a newborn let alone trying to keep up with my STD claim, arg!
And to make matters worse, my husband and I overslept this morning so he ended up getting to work late. That means he won't be home until late and that makes me sad. I always get so happy every day around 4:30 because I know he'll be walking in the door in few minutes, but not today. I probably won't see him tonite until like 6 or 6:30 which means I will be home alone for longer. Yet another annoyance in a day filled with them.
And did I mention I'm craving cake??? My mom was supposed to be bringing me cake today too and now guess what... no cake for me today!
But on a good note, tomorrow is my 33 week milestone yay! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for me (and someone will bring me some cake!).
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