"It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into" ~ Terri Guillemets

Friday, March 12, 2010

33w2d - A St Patrick's Day Birth!

Well, I am still here in the hospital but things are looking good. My mom came and spent the day with me yesterday and is coming back this afternoon. My husband brought me some chinese food and spent the night with me last night. He even braved my leaking and got in my teeny tiny hospital bed with me this morning and cuddled with me for a few hours which was so nice.

Updates... My team of doctors (my OB, my High Risk OB and the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor) came in this morning and talked to me about the test results from yesterday. Little Bri's lungs are not quite ready to breathe oxygen yet, but they are super close. So, the plan is unless she decides to make her debut early (which is doubtful), they will be inducing me on Wednesday the 17th! That means we will be having a St Patty's Day baby! We need to get her a green outfit for her first pictures! We don't have a set time yet but I'm hoping it's early enough in the morning that she will be born before midnight.

After talking to the docs, they came and got me for another ultrasound. Bri is head down and ready to go. The interesting thing is that even though I have a steady leak, she still has enough fluid to swim in. They said my fluid levels were 22 which is in the normal range. Guess it's a good thing I've been drinking my 8 glasses a day. The u/s tech said Bri is right around 5 lbs now and she is practicing her breathing and her heart and other organs look great. Her heart rate is perfect and we passed the NST test within the first 5 minutes of being hooked up. And she's still moving around like crazy! She was trying to put her little foot in her mouth again during the u/s...

So folks, I will officially be a mother in 5 days! I don't know why but it just feels so surreal now! I'm so excited yet at the same I am terrified! Terrified of our little girl having to spend time in the NICU. Of not being able to bond with her right away or start nursing right away. Of seeing her hooked up to tubes and monitors. And yes, I'm also terrified of when she gets to come home! Premies seem so much more fragile and breakable than regular newborns and we are going to have one!

Oh, and do you want to know how small a world it is that we live in? A friend from high school just happens to be a nurse here in the postpartum ward! She stopped by my room last night to say hello and check on me. She saw my post on facebook that I was here. So I just wanted to say thanks Karla for being so kind and caring and for visiting me last night! It's nice to get company and to see friendly faces while I'm here.

Holy crap we are going to be parents in less than a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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